Antalya Bilim University / Alanya HEP University 2021-2022

Antalya Bilim University (ABU)

  a private university, founded in 2010 and in Antalya with a variety of
colleges, faculties and institutes including:

1.Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

- Economics(8300$)

- Business Administration(8300$)

- Political Science and International Relations(8300$)

- psychology(10200$)

2.Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture

- Architecture(10200$)

- Interior Architecture and Environmental Design(10200$)

3.Faculty of Tourism

- Tourism and Hotel Management(8300$)

- Gastronomy and Culinary Arts(8300$)

4.Faculty of Engineering

- Computer Engineering(8300$)

- Electrical and Electronics Engineering(8300$)

- Industrial Engineering(8300$)

- Civil Engineering(9200$)

- mechanical engineering(8300$)

5.Law School

Law School (8300$)

6.Faculty of Dentistry

-Dentistry (Turkish)   (14.000 USD) 

7.Faculty of Health Scineces

-Nursing (Turkish)   (8300 USD)

-Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (Turkish) (8300 USD)

8.Civil Aviation Vocational School (two years)

-Pilotage (Turkish) (10200 USD)

9.Vocational School of Justice(two years)

-Justice (Turkish) (5700 USD)

10.Vocational School(two years)

-Cookery (Turkish) (5700 USD) 

-Computer Programming (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Construction Technology (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-First and Emergency Aid Program (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Medical Laboratory Techniques (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Medical Imaging Techniques (Turkish) (5700 USD) 

-Physiotherapy (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Oral and Dental Health  (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Anesthesia (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Surgery Services (Turkish) (5700 USD)

-Dialysis (Turkish) (5700 USD) 

11.Graduate Programs

-Master of business administration (non thesis Turkish) (4000 USD) 

-Master of business administration (thesis English and Turkish) (5000 USD)

-Master of Global Politics & International Relations (non thesis Turkish) (4000 USD)

-Master of Global Politics & International Relations(thesis English and Turkish) (5000 USD)

-Master of Electrical & Computer Engineering (thesis English) (5000 USD)

-Master of Civil Engineering (non thesis Turkish) (4000 USD)

-Master of Civil Engineering (thesis English and Turkish) (5000 USD)

-Master of Cyber Security (thesis English and Turkish) (5000 USD)

-Master of Public Law (thesis Turkish) (5000 USD)

-Master of Public Law (non thesis Turkish) (4000 USD) 

-Master of Private Law (thesis Turkish) (5000 USD)

-Master of Private Law (non thesis Turkish) (4000 USD) 

-Master of Occupational Health and Safety (non thesis Turkish) (2200 USD)

-PHD of business administration (Turkish)  (9000 USD) 


(we can get between 40-60% scholarship)

ABU provides a wide range of support for students as it provides minor degrees , double major
degrees and master degrees.
The official language in ABU in class or campus is English which is perfect for international students.
ABU gives out great scholarships for international students with (High GPA) or (High high-school degree).
ABU is a great place for social life and social interaction as it provides many social and sports activities
throughout the year for students to spend time together.
ABU is located in Döşemaltı, Antalya with a huge modern campus that was built on 300,000 m2 of land
to combine finest samples of Seljukian architecture with modern style.
Antalya Bilim University, https://www.antalya.edu.tr

Hamdullah Emin Paşa University (HEP)

is a private university in Alanya with a variety of
Colleges, faculties and institutes including:

1.Faculty of Architecture

- Department of Architecture  (5500$)

2.Computer Engineering-  (5500$)

3.Faculty of Arts and Design

- Department of Communication Design and Management  (4975$)

- Department of Gastronomy and Culinary arts  (5500$)

4.Faculty of Tourism

-Tourism Managment  (4400$)

5.English Preparatory Program (to improve English Proficiency of students)-  (5500$)


At HEP University it’s not only students’ academic and scientific programs but it also makes sure
that the students go through cultural activities to become an integral part of Alanya and help them
be problem solvers and critical thinkers.
HEP University is located in the city of Alanya which is great for students to socialize with student clubs and sports teams which brings students together and enjoy their time.
Alanya HEP University, http://www.ahep.edu.tr




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